Crave cantaloupe, not cows. Devour dates, not ducks. Eat everything under the sun, just not our fellow creatures who share this beautiful world with us. As you can see, there's so much to eat as a vegan that we could make a whole *Learn The Alphabet* book about it, with everything from apples to zucchini. But we'll start with what we can fit on a t-shirt: "Eat Plants, Not Friends." Respect our fellow earth dwellers by preserving their lives, treating them with dignity, and improving the state of the planet while you're at it.
Part of our Vegan Message Shirts collection.
Eat Plants Not Animals Shirt Measurements:
XS |
S |
M |
L |
XL |
2XL |
3XL |
Width, in |
16.5 |
18 |
20 |
22.01 |
24.02 |
25.99 |
28 |
Length, in |
27.01 |
28 |
29.02 |
30 |
31.03 |
32.01 |
33 |
Sleeve length, in |
8.63 |
8.9 |
9.18 |
9.45 |
9.73 |
10 |
10.4 |
This shirt is really good quality. The fabric is soft, and you cant even feel the ink at all.
I tell my friends this all the time so figured I need to buy the t-shirt when I saw it haha. I wear it around my meat eating friends